How to access data about yourself (Accounts in your own name)
Requests for information held regarding accounts registered in your own name
In accordance with section 7(1) of the Data Protection Act 1998, we have an obligation to provide you with:a description of:
the personal data of which that individual is the data subject,
the purposes for which they are being or are to be processed, and
the recipients or classes of recipients to whom they are or may be disclosed
In order for us to provide you with this information, there is a £10.00 fee (VAT is not applicable for this service). An invoice for this will be raised within your account.Assuming your request falls within the correct criteria, upon receipt of your request and payment we will release the requested information within the prescribed 40 day period in accordance with section 7.8 of the Data Protection Act 1998.
More information can be found at
All information which we receive from a client or through our relationship with a client including data which we then create is to be regarded as confidential information, unless it is already in the public domain, or is given to us by the client with authority, express or implied, to make it public. We owe our clients' confidentiality obligations even without any written confidentiality agreement.
The nautre of our business frequently requires our employees to deal with sensitive, confidential information, whether generated internally or acquired ffrom other sources. Handling such information in a hihgly professional manner has asn important impact, not only on relationships with our clients, but also on cokmpliance with our legal and regulatory obligations.
This obligation applies both to front offce, back office and logistics staff and the apporach to be adopted is to assume all information in confidential unless you have confirmed otherwise.
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