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What is Urchin Web Stats ?

Urchin Visitor Web Statistics / Analytics

Urchin is an optional (chargeable) addon for Hsphere Business Hosting Packages providing more detailed log analysis than standard and free analytics software.

Example Reports

Here are just a few examples of the types of report produced by Urchin.


Number of visitors per day, week, month, year or range.
Urchin Traffic Report

Pages & Files

Most popular pages, files downloaded, forms posted.
Urchin Files Report


Top entry pages, top exit pages, click paths and more.
Urchin Navigation Report


Search engines used and phrases searched for.
Urchin Referrals Report

Domains & Users

Most popular networks (e.g. BT, Virgin, Tiscali) & countries.
Urchin Networks Report

Browsers & Robots

Most popular browsers and visits from search engine robots.
Urchin Browsers Report

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