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Cron Cheat Sheet

Many of our Hosting Services come with the ability to run scheduled tasks (known as crontabs) - and whilst the online wizard can help set them up, more complex requirements can exist, so we've devised this Crontab Hint Sheet to assist you

X     X     X     X     X
|     |     |     |     |
|     |     |     |     +----- day of week
|     |     |     |
|     |     |     +----------- month
|     |     |  
|     |     +----------------- day of month
|     |     
|     +----------------------- hour
+----------------------------- minute

* = all posible values
*/? = at each matching value

X Minute (0 - 59)
   10 = at 10 minutes past the hour
   */15 = every 15 minutes
   20,30,40 = at 20 part, half past and 20 to the hour

X Hour (0-23)
   8,20 = at 8am and 8pm
   */4 = every 4 hours
   9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 = UK working hours

X Day of Month (1 - 31)
   */2 = every-other day
   10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 = 10th through 19th only

X Month (1 - 12) January=1
   3 = March
   */2 = every 2 months
   4,6,9,11 = months with 30 days

X Day of week (0 - 6) Sunday=0, Mon=1, Tue=2, Wed=3, thu=4, Fri=5, Sat=6
   3 = Wednesdays
   0,6 = Weekends

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