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Managing a MySQL database using phpmyadmin

Managing MySQL databases with PHPMyAdmin in H-Sphere

This tutorial assumes that you've already logged into your H-Sphere control panel

Now let's learn how to manage our MySQL databases with PHPMyAdmin

1) Scroll over Databases...

2) ...then scroll over MySQL...

3) ...then click MySQL DBs

4) Click the PHPMyAdmin link here

This is the PHPMyAdmin main screen

5) Let's choose this test database as the one we wish to manage

Currently there are no tables in this database as indicated here

We can create a new table here...but we're not going to do that now

6) Instead we will import a new table into this the Import button here

7) Let's locate our test SQL dump file which was previously created and saved

Scroll down

8) When ready click Go button here

We've successfully uploaded our test backup file and a new table 'shop' has been created

9) Click table 'shop'

On this page you may see all the details of the table 'shop' within the database 'test123_members'

Now let's learn how to save our table 'shop' on to your local PC

10) Click the Export link here

Scroll down

11) Select the Save as file checkbox here

12) Then click Go

13) Click Save

14) Then click Save here

We've just saved table 'shop'

15) Click Close

Let's go back

If at any time you would need help with using PHPMyAdmin or MySQL click the Help icons here

16) Click the Exit button here

You now know how to use PHPMyAdmin to manage your MySQL databases

Now let's learn how you can perform MySQL backups and restorations through your control panel interface

Scroll down

17) Click MySQL Backups icon here

Scroll down

From this page you can create a backup of your MySQL database or upload a previously created backup file and restore the selected database

18) If you have more than one database in your account be sure to select it here

Let's see how we can create a database backup for our database 'test123_members'

19) Then click Perform Backup option here

On this page we can see that the backup process has been started and will be completed shortly; the process of a database backup depends upon the database structure and size

Now we can see that the database backup process has been successfully completed and you may download and save this file on to your local PC

20) To download a file click the download link here

21) Click Save

22) Then click Save here

23) After the download is completed click Close

That's it! We've successfully created a MySQL database backup and may go back to H-Sphere home now

This is the end of the tutorial. Now you know how to manage your MySQL databases through PHPMyAdmin interface as well as through H-Sphere control panel


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