Trust Logo
Implementing a TrustLogo into your Website
Use the following line if you are displaying your TrustLogo over a STANDARD
NON-SECURE page, e.g. http://
Use the following line if you are displaying your TrustLogo over a SECURE page,
e.g. https://
We offer four variants of TrustLogo: one for use on sites which have
purchased an SSL certificate from Comodo, one for use on sites who have not
purchased an SSL, one to indicate credit card acceptance and one to indicate
a Comodo partnership.
Simply make your selection from the drop-down toolbar before continuing
) of the graphic.
Step 3: Copy and paste the below code into your webpage HTML.
If you have selected to use a floating TrustLogo, you may place this code
anywhere within the BODY of your webpage.
If you have selected to use a non-floating TrustLogo then place this code where
you would like your TrustLogo to appear on your webpage.
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