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How to Backup your MySQL DB databases
Backup command for mysql databasesFor those looking to get a regular backup of your MySQL database, the command to add as a cron.job ...
/usr/bin/mysqldump -u{mysql_username} -p{mysql_password} {mysql_db_name} |gzip |uuencode {mysql_db_name}backup.sql.gz |mail -s "database backup" {emailaddress}
replace :
- {mysql_username} with the database owner username
- {mysql_password} with the database password
- {mysql_db_name} with the database name
- {emailaddress} with your email address
Please only add the backups as jobs *after* 2am to keep load down on the server duriung peak hours, and be warned it will use up your bandwidth/data-transfer allocation quickly, so weekly backups are recommended over daily ones if your DB is relatively static.
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