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Do your CPanel hosting accounts come with BoxTrapper ?
At present we do not offer a BoxTrapper based spam prevention solution.
BoxTrapper is based around the challenge-response methodology and we have seen much valid email rejected by it, due to the general internet user(s) unwillingness to follow the acknowledgement procedures, failiure of the authentication processes, and lack of patching/fixes from the Control Panel authors to support BoxTrapper.
Experience with tens of thousands of email users has shown that correctly configured SpamAssassin rules, combined with individual user whitelists, network-wide blacklists and integration with RBLS for both UCE and Malware filtering has dramatically cut the amount of spam arriving in mailboxes.
Whilst some junk will always manage to get through, we are continuously pro-active in reducing the quantity of unwanted and often unsuitable email that gets delivered to our clients, but concious that no valid emails are blocked.
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