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How do I stop Cpanel reporting /usr/bin/crontab permissions are wrong. Please set to 4755.

If you get this message in CPanel when adding/ediiting/viewing the cron jobs ...
/usr/bin/crontab permissions are wrong. Please set to 4755
This indicates that the OS used on your server has a cron/anacron/vixiecron deployment/rpm that requires provides different permissions to those required by the version of the control panel you are running.


  • Login to your server by ssh
  • su - to switch to the root user
  • as per the instruction provided by the control panel, set the required permissions
    chmod 4755 /usr/bin/crontab
  • restart the cron process
    service crond restart

this should fix the message display in the control panel.

If you do not have root SSH access (are on a shared/virtual server, a managed VPS or an Astutium Managed-Dedicated server), then please raise a ticket for support who will be happy to assist.

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