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Why can't I send email ? How do I setup outbound SMTP ?

Astutium secure our outbound mail servers to only allow valid email users to send email through our systems. This prevents Spammers, from illegally using the email servers to send unsolicited email. In order to send outbound email you must tell the verify to the server that you are valid email user...

  • Enable SMTP Authentication in your client email settings.
    This is often located in the servers, advanced or security section of your email settings menu. Sometimes the option is called My server requires authentication or it might be called SMTP Authentication. Enable this option and it asks, select the username and password is the same as your incoming username and password.

After this is enabled, you will be able to use the high performance email sending capabilities of our hosting services.

For example:
In Microsoft Outlook you would edit the properties for a your email account that you have setup by choosing ACCOUNTS from the TOOLS menu and then select the email account you want to change (Outlook can handle multiple accounts), click PROPERTIES, then select the SERVERS tab, and then enable the option MY SERVER REQUIRES AUTHENTICATION. Leave all other settings on to the defaults.


Please note *MOST* ISP's now block outbound emails

In order to combat spam, restrict the effects of compromised/worm/virus ridden customer machines, as well provide themselves with some free advertising, the majority of connectivity ISPs now block outbound email except when using their SMTP relays. We advise clients to either change ISP to one without this restrictive policy, or to contact their ISP for outbound email settings.

Some of those that block outbound email include:

  • Virgin
  • Wanadoo/Orange
  • BT Internet (dialup and ADSL)
  • EarthLink
  • Mindspring
  • Cox
  • Verizon
  • Verio
  • Madasafish

You'll have to use their mail servers and procedures to be able to send email. Support regarding this will need to be done by the ISP's technical support department, as we are unable to provide specific assistance or influence their policies.

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