What are the ADSL contention ratios ? Explain contention ...
Can you explain how the contention ratios work ?
The various BroadBand technologies each have an associated contention ratio - essentially how many people *might* be using the same allocated bandwidth at any time.At peak times if *everyone* who has ADSL at that exchange are connected at the same time, it means you will be guaranteed only 1/Nth of the connection speed you are subscribing to. Where N is the contention level.
The BT Exchange connection can be shared by upto 50 concurrent users (N = 50)Low-Contention Home ADSL
The BT Exchange connection can be shared by upto 40 concurrent users (N = 40)Business ADSL
The BT Exchange connection can be shared by upto 20 concurrent users (N = 20)Low-Contention Business ADSL
The BT Exchange connection can be shared by upto 10 concurrent users (N = 10)Uncontended ADSL
The BT Exchange connection is *exclusive* to you and not shared by other users (N = 1)Each connection being is given its own port on the exchange terminating equipment (DSLAM) for that contention service, so it has no effect on your business DSL connection how many home users connect to the exchange.
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