Articles - Frequently Asked Questions, Information, How-To's and Articles

Yes qmail as used by Plesk Reloaded for Linux supports forwarding to one address of all email...

Your Plesk control panel is accessed at http://{domain}:8443/ i.e. if your domain was...

How do I access the webmail facility on plesk ? Webmail is available by default at:...

Login to your control panel Select the domain you want to the database associated with....

Once logged into the Plesk Control Panel you will see the option on the "My Desktop/Desktop" page...

To update your Plesk password fist login to the plesk control panel: Login to your control...

MySQL databases can be created through the plesk control panel: Login to your control panel...

Updating Webalizer and AWStats on Linux Plesk Servers from SSH The plesk control panel is...

Publishing your site with FrontPage Open FrontPage 2000 and from the File menu select...

Login to Plesk http://yourdomain:8443/ (replacing yourdomain with your hosted domain). Click on...

MySQL databases passwords are updated through the plesk control panel: Login to your control...

Microsoft Access Database Permissions Login to the Plesk control panel and open the File...

Setting up emails on the server Login to the Control Panel using the details from your...

How to setup Plesk and an External Mail Server Although your hosting account can handle your...

Uploading your database Login to your the Plesk Control Panel and open the File Manager....

The most common reason you are unble to access your site/email is the IP address you are...

SSH into the server Obtain the admin password for Pleak cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow Login to...

Check to see if the following file exists: ls -al `awk '/CATALINA_HOME/{print $2}'...

Plesk Domain Delete Problems: SiteAppManager issues./domain --remove DOMAINTODELETE.ZZZERROR:...

Check the /usr/local/psa/etc/logrotate.d directory for a file for the domain that is no longer...

Windows Plesk Servers - QuickLinks SW-Soft (The Authors) Plesk 7 for...

Included on Personal-2 plans and above. The natural database of choice when working with PHP,...

One of the world's most popular programming languages, included with every hosting account. PHP...

A must-have tool for anyone who uses MySQL databases. This excellent web application...

To use your custom error pages on a Plesk based hosting server connect to your account using...

Parallels Plesk Control Panel for Linux maintains log files in multiple locations. The (usual)...

Once logged into the Plesk control panel, phpmyadmin can be found as follows.1) Click on...

Within the Plesk control panel you have the ability to assign the resources (Email Addresses,...

Within the Plesk control panel you have the ability to assign the resources (Email Addresses,...

Within the Plesk control panel you have the ability to assign the resources (Email Addresses,...

Within the Plesk control panel you have the ability to assign the resources (Email Addresses,...

Plesk accounts are based on allocations of: domains email addresses databases disk space...