Astutium Network AS29527

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100% Uptime Network Keeping You On-Line All The Time

With our combination of technical experience, the latest technologies, and the highest quality network hardware, Astutium Ltd has engineered the most reliable network in the world, delivering the speed and reliability our customers demand.

100% Network Availablity for ... 25 Year(s) 11 Month(s) 12 Day(s) 9 Hour(s) 29 Minute(s) 33 Second(s)

Now with our recent service expansions into the US to complement our UK and NL services, AS29527 has become the largest B2B multihomed fully redundant UK headquartered hosting provider.


Astutium Ltd started in 1996 as OthelloTech, an ISP providing dial-up, dsl connectivity and datacentre consultancy, with a high-speed connection to the Internet Backbone via one provider. As we grew, instead of simply buying more bandwidth from our provider as most of our competitors have done, we gained our ASN (Autonomous Systems Number) 29527 and started to add additional Tier 1,2 and 3 transits and began the implemenettion of our extensive peering network.

External Connections

Astutium Ltd interconnect with multiple transit providers in multiple locations for full internet connectivity at our various PoPs, including:

  • DataHop (AS6908)
  • Level3 (AS3356)
  • TINet/Sparkle (AS6762)
  • KPN (AS286)
  • Zayo (AS3356)


Peering Connections

Built on top of this high-speed IP Transit Network foundation Astutium Ltd also directly interconnect with almost 1000 UK and EU ISPs by connecting to the following Internet Exchanges;

  • LINX
  • AMS-IX
  • Private Peering
  • IPv4 Peers: 619
  • IPv4 Peering Routes: 437,125 (49% of all possible global routes)
  • IPv6 Peers: 413
  • IPv6 Peering Routes: 158,073 (98% of all possible global routes)

Peering Connections

Private and Public Peering is supplemented with additional partial transit covering the routes available at the following IXs:

  • DE-CIX
  • Netnod
  • France-IX

Astutium Ltd AS29527 Peering Policy.

IP and Routing Technologies

Astutium is proud to support both IP version 4 and IP version 6. AS29527 is fully equipped to handle the Internet of today whilst embracing and shaping the Internet of tomorrow. Boasting a fully integrated routing architecture, AS29527 and Astutium are able to supply bandwidth supported by BGPv4, OSPFv2 or static routing.

Hardware and Wetware

The best networks are made with a combination of highly reliable equipment and skilled network technicians.
Layer2 Switching fabric is 100% Cisco providing speed and reliability.
Layer3 Routers are custom built and utilise OSPF and BGP dynamic routing to ensure 100% connectivity.
The Astutium NOC is staffed 24/7/365, trained network technicians are on/near site at all times, and can be inside every Astutium DataCentre facility within 30 minutes.


The entire Astutium Network is checked and monitored around the clock from multiple locations to ensure it is operating at an optimum state. With automated and manual reviews of raffic and route statistics we can instantly make any necessary routing adjustments to maintain our 100% uptime.

Astutium Ltd maintains a carrier class fully autonomous network (AS29527) designed from the ground up for the highest reliability, maximum scalability and lowest latency.

320 Gb/s Routing Structure

Routing is through our custom built fully redundant Netblok-R/RF Platform capable of sustained 320Gb/s throughput.

The AS29527 fully redundant multi-GigE Backbone with multiple routers each connected at Gigabit speeds to a wide range of Tier1 and Tier2 bandwidth suppliers, ensures that no upstream outage or maintenance has any impact on the Astutium Ltd 100% uptime self healing network.

Highest Quality Switches

Switching is handled by Cisco 6500, 5500, 3500 and 2900 series switches each managed and monitored by our in-house CCIE trained technicians. Gigabit speeds are available from the individual server right through to the internet with ZERO contention at any stage.

Traffic Analysis and Management

AS29527 Network Operations Centre engineers continuously monitor the performance, reliability, and usage of the network by analysing the Sflow (NetFlow) data from our Cisco switches and routers, By comparing current usage (Gb/s and PPS) to historical data and trend analysis, Astutium Ltd can increase our available bandwidth and meet any increase in demand within seconds.

All clients have 24/7/365 access to full detailled transit graphs showing data-transferred, peak usage and 95%ile values. A customised threshold warning system alerts the NOC of anyone approaching their bandwodth limits, so that they can upgrade in advance rather than risk downtime.

Network Protection

The latest in best-of-breed Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Adaptive Firewalls protect us from external DoS and DDoS attacks, mailcious packeting etc. All of our managed services benefit from the latest in anti-spam etchnologies, malware and virus checking plus layer-7 content filtering - ensuring our customers data is the safest in the hosting industry.

Out of Bounds Management

Astutium Ltd maintains a separate non-routed path into the network for access in extreme circumstances. All critical systems accessible over our Entrprise KVMoIP and Private SSL VPN connections guarantees the shortest possible time between problem and fix, no matter which datacentre or service is affected.

Shared Services

Current shared services available on the AS29527 network include:

  • Internal DNS Resolvers
  • Secondary / Backup DNS Systems
  • FTP/HTTP Backup Storage
  • Secure Online SAN Data Archive service
  • Transit Graphing
  • Advanced Systems and Service Monitoring
  • OS Installation and Mirror Servers
  • Secondary MX and backup Mail Systems
  • Enterprise KVMoIP solutions



Current Connectivity Usage (UK, NL, US)

Level(3) [Lumen Technologies Inc]
level(3) Known for its strength in the USA and the surrounding area's Level(3) is well known for its use by many of the well known Internet and Communications companies.
View Level3/Lumen Network Map
tinet sparkle TINet offer one of the best connected backbones in the world, covering Europe and North America exceptional well. They consistently rank within the top 5 of global backbones, and the top 3 or IPv6 enabled providers.
View TISparkle Network Map
kpn Because KPN's high capacity European network was designed purely for high speed data transfer, our Europe based servers have only the best in relation to their speeds and reliability.
View Network Map (PDF)

Peering: Both locally and via the upstream providers we have connectivity to nearly 1000 ISP's worldwide with AS29527 traffic flowing over all the major peering points such as ; LONAP, XPE, LINX, MANAP, AMX-IX, DEC-IX, BN-IX, GL-IX, NL-IX, ParIX and more.
