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I didn't get your welcome email - where has my signup email gone?

If you cannot find the initial emails sent in your mail inbox, please check your Spam or Bulk mail folders for the email.

Make sure you add to your email whitelists or "buddy list".

How to add us to your Yahoo whitelist:

  1. Open your Yahoo mailbox
  2. Click "Mail Options"
  3. Click "Filters"
  4. Next, click "Add Filter"
  5. In the top row, labeled "From Header:" make sure "contains" is selected.
  6. Click in the text box next to that drop-down menu, and enter the address
  7. At the bottom, where it says "Move the message to:" select "Inbox" from the menu.
  8. Click the "Add Filter" button again.

For AOL, here's how to receive our emails:

  1. Go to "Mail Controls"
  2. Select the screen name we're sending your e-mail to
  3. Click "Customize Mail Controls For This Screenname."

For AOL version 7.0: In the section for "exclusion and inclusion parameters", include these domains:

For AOL version 8.0: Select "Allow e-mail from all AOL members, e-mail addresses and domains”. Then…

  1. Click "Next" until the Save button shows up at the bottom
  2. Click "Save."

To receive our emails with Hotmail, please follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Options" tab
  2. Under "Mail Handling" select "Safe List"
  3. In the space provided, enter the address
  4. Click "Add"
  5. When you see the address you entered in the Safe List box, click "OK.
  6. Repeat for

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