Domain Wiki - sexy

Astutium > Domain Wiki > sexy

Find your perfect domain name | www.
dot sexy logo
sexy, the top level|sub domain|country code Internet domain (g|s|ccTLD) for (location/purpose)

The registration of a sexy domain name is restricted to (who) | open to anyone
Any rules chanegs in last 24 months here

(who) can Register a .sexy domain with .SEXY Accredited Registar Astutium.

About sexy Domains

dotsexy domains are specifically useful for (target market)


Registrant Requirements for sexy Domains

Registrants can be ...

Exclusions for sexy Domains

sexy domains must be between X (min) and Y (max) length
sexy have a blocked / reserved list of domain names that cannot be registered including (examples)

Registration of sexy Domains

Let Astutium help you register your sexy domain

Renewal of sexy Domains

sexy domains must be renewed with the current registrar prior to expiry date.
Allowing a sexy Domain Name to reach expiry date will involve downtime and additional 'recovery' costs
sexy domains can be renewed at any time before expiry. sexy domains may be renewable for X days after expiry (grace period) however this involves additional work and additional costs sexy domains may be kept after grace by the registrar or registry and sold at auction, used for advertising, or for any other purpose. A sexy domain that has expired may never be deleted / released / become available again

Transfer of sexy Domains

A sexy domain can be transferred between .SEXY Accredited Registrars from X days after registration upto Y days before expiry.
Transfers do | do not have a cost and automatically | do not renew the domain for another year
Transfers of sexy require the domain to be unlocked at the current registrar and need a valid EPP transfer code
Transfer your sexy to Astutium

Important Links / Additional Reading for sexy Domains

(if gtld) gTLD Registrants have certain Rights and Responsibilities granted under the ICANN Registry Registrar Agreement in 2009.
Registrant Rights & Responsibilities on the ICANN site.

