Plesk 8 (Linux) end-user series

19. How to create FrontPage subwebs

This demo assumes you've already logged in to Plesk

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Now let's learn how to create Frontpage subwebs

1) Click the FP (Frontpage) Webadmin icon here

This is the main Frontpage Admin site, where you can manage Frontpage users, user roles, and subwebs

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2) Let's go ahead and create a subweb..... click here

A subweb is a sub-directory, or folder within your hosting account, where a completely separate website can reside

Subwebs can be setup with separate permissions from the main web, so that you can have different people in charge of maintaining the subwebs, and have their own usernames and passwords that only allow them access to the subwebs (and not the parent, or main web)

3) Enter the new subweb's name..... this will also be the sub-directory or folder name

4) Click here to give this new subweb it's own unique permissions (username and password)

5) Now enter the desired username (administrator name) and password for the new subweb

6) Click Submit when finished

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7) Click the members link

That's it! The new subweb has been created and setup with it's own administrator permissions

8) Enter the new subweb's administrator username and password (which we just setup)

9) Click OK when finished

This is the main FP Webadmin page for the subweb /members that we just created

From here we can create additional users for access to this subweb

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to create Frontpage subwebs in Plesk's FP Webadmin, and how to setup users for those subwebs